At Meadowcroft, we have a dedicated Clinical team who will offer a range of skills and services to the school.
The clinical team may be asked to assist in evaluating the suitability, in terms of particular need and support, of a referred pupil. This will involve a study of the psychological advice provided in each pupil’s Education, Health and Care Plan. Clinical staff are able to build up a picture of individual pupils and then advise members of the Senior Leadership Team as to the suitability or otherwise of children referred to the school.
Individual sessions are planned and delivered according to individual pupil need, topics covered may cover themes such as attachment disorders, anger management or the building of self-esteem. While client confidentiality is always respected, reports are produced for staff, parents/carers, Local Authorities and other involved professionals.
Clinical staff provide an important link between the clinical input, the school day and the pupils’ personal education key worker. To this end, the clinical team work alongside the education team to discuss and draw up individual targets for each of their identified pupils.
The clinical team carries out a series of assessments which provide detailed information about our pupils; these details can be used to set individual targets, to identify areas of strength and targets, and to draw up accurate profiles for each pupil. Results gained from these assessments are shared with the individual pupil, parents, members of staff and other professionals involved with each young person.
We are a team that are here to support the staff as well as the children by introducing intervention, consultation, training and resources to support their learning needs.
The Schools pastoral team are better known as the ‘BEST’ team which stands for Behaviour and Emotional Support Team, provide support to students on a day-to-day basis with behaviour concerns, mental health and wellbeing, as well as general worries. They are visible around school and are at the forefront of setting and maintaining expectations. Students can expect to see their pastoral team leaders throughout the school day, either in class supporting a CYP or staff member or during unstructured time within the school day. Our BEST team help support the whole-school strategic and operational approach to improving learners’ attendance, and to foster an atmosphere that is conducive for learning and promotes tolerance, resilience, fairness and equal opportunities for all, with due regard for protected characteristics. Such an approach to pastoral care should eliminate racism, inequality, discrimination and other hindrances to learning, to create an ethos that culminates in engagement and academic achievement of learners. Therefore, effective pastoral care via our BEST team can:
- Improve students’ attendance and retention rates
- Foster an orderly atmosphere in which all students can access opportunities, and enhance their academic achievements
- Promote tolerance, especially in students and teachers with due regard for protected characteristics
- Subdue racism and inequality
- Teach respect for self and others